Friday, January 27, 2012

Kirk Franklin, Blood, and Jehovah's Witnesses (a Rant)

Driving to my office this morning was met with a little praise party in my car.  I was listening to some of the best music, in my opinion, out there: Kirk Franklin, particularly his "Hello Fear" Album. (subscribe to my "Gospel" playlist on to listen to it!) As with all things, you must discern the overall message of the song.  Sometimes my boy Kirk get's some flack for SOME of his music being shallow with more emotion than content.  I can agree with that statement with some of his songs, but one thing I'm learning a lot recently is that you can't accurately judge a person by their shadow. I certainly wouldn't want people to say I AM what I was in the past.  All that said, I had the opportunity to meet Kirk and find out that he's the real deal.  And if you know his music as deeply and intimately as I do, you'd notice a refreshing refining of theology in his music throughout his years as an artist.  His latest album, "Hello Fear" is STEEPED in the blood of Christ and the GOSPEL of Jesus as the substitutionary atonement. There is a song (titled: "But the blood")  that has these lyrics, "by the blood, falling on us, but the blood, gives me purpose, but the blood, You are for us, but the blood, Who can be against us?..."  The music, mind you, is getting more and more different from traditional black gospel music, but the message is floating in the blood of Christ.  Which brings up my topic for today.  What's with the Christian's fascination with blood?
I'm not sure if this has ever creeped you out at all about Christianity, and the more I think of it in the literal sense, it is kinda gross but in the spiritual sense it is glorious: without the blood of Christ, we'd be toast!
I'm attempting to read through the bible in 90 days, and so far I'm on track, but getting through Leviticus and Numbers was hard!  One thing I've been reminded of this time around is that the blood of the animal being sacrificed was sacred. God had very specific rules and regulations surrounding the blood of the animals. And when God gives his law, he also mentions that no man should eat the blood of any animal because the "life" is in the blood, "for it is the blood that makes atonement by the LIFE." (Lev 17:11).  And the writer of Hebrews uses this same passage in mind in 9:22 "...without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sins."
I like the fact that God uses this imagery of "life" in the blood.  Because that is exactly what we are given through Christ's blood. Jesus is the perfect, spotless, lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world (Jn1:29) and His sacrifice on our account is our salvation. The only reason why this can be is because JESUS IS GOD.  GOD HIMSELF sacrificed HIMSELF for us and our atonement from the wrath of HIMSELF because of OUR sin!
When the priests in the Old Testament would take the blood of the atonement and "throw" it on the people, the same thing happens with us with Christ's blood. Christ's blood, like the song said above, "fallen on us" is our atonement!
But here's the clincher, the blood hasn't fallen on you if you don't believe you need forgiveness. The blood means nothing to you if you don't think you are a sinner. The blood means nothing to you even if you "believe in Jesus and that he died on a cross somewhere" but don't believe that He's GOD himself.
One last story.
This last week, I had two Jehovah's Witnesses knock on the door.  My wife went down and then came back up and said, "you're going to have to take this one." So I talked with them at the door.  "You're a bible reader?"  Me: "yes, I'm a pastor I love to read the bible." Then they said something about Abraham, and I returned with something about how they are Mormon (though I knew they weren't) and they were like, "Oh we're not Mormon! We're Jehovah's Witness... You're Christian right?"  Me: "yes, I am"  Them: "Oh! We are too! We believe in Jesus!"  Me: "But do you believe he is God?"  Them: "Uh.. no He's not God,  He's the son of God.." Me: "No, He IS God... and because you just said that, I'm not interested in hearing any more from you.." And with relief in their voices they said, "Ok well you have a good day!"
I want to say this as delicate as I can, many people in this world can say and in truth that they believe in Jesus and even that he historically died on a cross somewhere in the middle east.  BUT the way of truth is narrow and it is in the fact that Jesus IS God that will trip people up, and that God himself had to die BECAUSE of them!  And it was the blood of God himself that had HIS LIFE in it that falls on the true believer.  That is the only way of salvation. By the blood of Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, God Himself.
Please don't gloss over the gloriousness of Christ's blood today shed for you! And maybe if you're reading this today and never really thought about the importance of Jesus as God himself and his blood was shed for you, I urge you to believe that with all of your heart and rejoice today in your salvation! If that's you, please find a bible believing church to get connected and pursue your new relationship with Christ and fellowship in the body of Christ!
Have a great day!

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