Given the event that I wrote about prior to this blog, I was in Michigan the last day and a half. This morning, I decided to leave at the appropriate time, utilizing and benefiting from the hour time difference, to avoid traffic going into downtown Chicago. It's a three hour tour, a three hour tour, as I like to call it that I have driven many times. I'm at the point in my car where I've had the same CD's in for too long and didn't want to listen to them again. So I turned on the radio. Traveling at high speeds between states, means that radio stations fade in and out and transform into other ones as you browse through. Well, I got the "privilege" to come across a program of Dr. Laura Slessinger, Therapist extraordinaire! I thought to myself, "why not, after last night's election results, I could use a good therapy session" Of course, as you will see, I'm being farce about my ever wanting to be therapied (??word usage?) by Dr. Laura.
Instead of the show being called "Dr. Laura" it should be called "Call in and I'll make you feel stupid within the first 90 seconds" I was appalled at why anyone would ever want to call and get her advice! Apparently the only people who call in are the people are clearly SO FAR OFF THEIR WAGON that the straw to break the camel's back is Dr. Laura's insight. From a worldly standard, She probably is not to far off her rocker, but from a Christian standard, of which I'm proud to strive hard in, she is screw loose. In a way that bouts arrogance and supremacy, she attributes herself as "the answer lady" to whatever quandary someone calls in. The amazing thing is that she doesn't listen for longer than 30 seconds to the person before she makes her assessment and hangs up. Here's a loose example:
A lady calls up: Hi Dr. Laura, pleasure to meet you and get to talk with you.
Dr. Laura: Thank you, what can I do for you?
Lady: well I have a great husband who is understanding and i have wonderful kids.
Dr. Laura: What's the problem then?
Lady: My father drinks too much and....
Dr. Laura: Ok, your father is dragging you down and causing you to seek his love instead of from those who you know who is loving you. You father, in a drunken stoop, isn't capable of loving you because he's hardly sober. If when he is sober he has an opportunity to speak to you, it is only a temporary thing and you should be an adult and tell him, "call me when you're completely sober"
Lady: He wrote me this letter..
Dr. Laura: What did I say? You're reaching out to a father you wish you had but don't have, simple as that. He can't love you because he loves alcohol more!
Lady: but what if he's reaching out in this letter, can't I...
Dr. Laura: Honey, he's not reaching out if he's grabbing your neck and using a guilt trip to pull you down. You need to write him and say, when you're sober give me a call, otherwise, don't contact me..
Now, as a listener to this conversation they had, I vowed I'd never call this Dr. Laura based simply on the fact that she scares me! I don't like to get yelled at when I'm seeking someone's advice on an issue. And her solution: get rid of your father. I'm still trying to figure out if that's the best she could have said based on the limited input by the caller.
Dr Laura.... Boooooo get off your high horse and try to encourage people huh?