Sunday, September 26, 2010

Psalm 3: Our God Saves (Part 3 of 150)

Do you ever have one of those days where you feel like everyone is against you? I mean, it is not hard to find an enemy.  Though this most likely isn't the case where "everyone" is against you or there is an enemy all around you, but sometimes it feels like it.  Isn't it great to know that we serve a God who is not our enemy and though our sin makes an affront to His holiness, because of Christ, He is always there welcoming with open arms?  He is truly a gracious God.  I'll post a study I did in Ephesians soon about the the mystery of what motivates God's grace and love to provide. This mystery has been to my spiritual life what gas is to a fire. God demands judgment on sin because of His holiness, but his holiness does not demand mercy to be given. The mystery is, what would motivate God to choose to give mercy steeped in grace and love? It's one of those mysteries that cannot be answered and that is ok. It is that mystery that motivates God to ALWAYS, at any hour, in any day, be available with open arms, ready to forgive and heal. Psalm 3 is an assurance of this very point.
David wrote this when his own son was trying to overthrow him for the kingship. There's a slap to the face if you ask me. The worst hurt is typically from an offense from the ones you love, and David knew that really well.  There is no more lonely feeling, I could imagine than when your own family is trying to overthrow you. This motivates David's first two verses of this short psalm. Take time to read the whole thing right now.

So David is hurt, feeling alienated from his own blood, but never forgets who he can turn to for the renewed confidence of his calling: the Lord. "But you, O Lord, are a shield about me, my glory, and the lifter of my head." This is so true even when people try to tell you otherwise, why? Because God's word says so.

Let's stop here quick.  The truth behind that statement can't just be glossed over.  "Because God's word says so" is a statement that is not a "cop out" statement. The world would say otherwise because what empirical value does God's word have? In other words, the Bible is the book, and the only truth that the world turns to for answers is science.  So when they say, "because science says so" they are utilizing the same rhetoric that the believer is in our statement about the bible, but with one difference, the world holds science higher because it is apparently tested true. It doesn't take long to foil the argument there. Many scientific findings are true, and hey, guess what, they aren't conflicting with the bible. But, where atheistic science is trying to prove the randomness-creating-order motif they are creating new findings day in and day out.  Unfortunately, isn't truth told in time not just experiment? Science is changing day in and day out, but the Word of God has stayed the same for THOUSANDS of years. "if it's new it's not true, if is true it's not new."  Simple? Yes, but truth is simple.  The Bible is true because God himself who reveals it's truth to the believer in the Holy Spirit says it's true. And oh hey, history proves it true with it's preservation in such perfect way for thousands of years. Don't be afraid to say, "because God's word says so." It is the only statement worth living by.

Anyways, David had probably one of the closest relationships with the Lord.  And in 2Sam 7 when the Lord made a covenant with David that the throne would never leave his line all the way to Zion, David doesn't need to worry about his enemies because he knows the Lord is on his side.  The Lord is a shield, and in those times where we are, in our human nature, worried, He is the "lifter of our head."  He is the sustainer and the owner of salvation of which he gives freely to those who believe in Christ (the very word of God made flesh (Jn 1:1)).

So when you are feeling like everything around you is out to get you, look to God's word and be encouraged by His truth.

Prayer:  Lord forgive me for not remembering you in the times when I'm desperate. You are indeed my shield and the lifter of my head, take the opposition away from me if it be your will, but leave it there Lord if you are refining me.  You alone know your ways and I thank you for even considering me. I praise you for your glorious grace that you've given me in Christ. Thank you for saving me! It is in your holy and precious son's name, Jesus, that I pray and seek you. Amen.

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